QR Code-Based Attendance System for Contact Tracking Post-Pandemic


  • Imam Husni Al Amin unisbank
  • Veronica Lusiana unisbank
  • Budi Hartono unisbank
  • Dimas Wahyu unisbank




QR Code, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Contact Tracking


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about profound changes in daily life and introduced new challenges to public health maintenance. Despite ongoing uncertainties, with certain regions easing or completely lifting community activity restrictions, persistent concerns about the virus's continued threat prompt the need for robust health monitoring measures. In this context, the use of contact tracing apps becomes pivotal for organizing individuals' movements, monitoring social distancing, and ensuring adherence to health protocols. This study introduces a QR code-based attendance system, a meticulously designed web and Android application aimed at efficiently and accurately tracking individuals' whereabouts. The system leverages QR code scanning technology, and to enhance security, employs the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method for data encryption. This ensures the safe encryption of sensitive data, preserving its confidentiality and integrity during transmission and storage. The research outcome is a versatile application facilitating seamless access across diverse locations, allowing real-time tracking of individuals' presence. This capability proves crucial for contact tracing efforts in the event of positive cases, contributing to the implementation of post-pandemic security and surveillance policies. The system's design and features align with the evolving landscape of the pandemic, emphasizing adaptability and comprehensive support for public health initiatives.


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How to Cite

Al Amin, I. H., Lusiana, V. ., Hartono, B., & Wahyu, D. . (2024). QR Code-Based Attendance System for Contact Tracking Post-Pandemic. CogITo Smart Journal, 10(1), 15–29. https://doi.org/10.31154/cogito.v10i1.490.436-450